Is Your Skin’s Microbiome in Tip-Top Shape?

We can gauge a lot about our health from the condition of our skin. Is it oily, dry, red, flushed, irritated, sensitive, or prone to conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis? The skin’s health depends on how healthy the barrier and its functions are. The barrier function of the skin depends on the microbiome, which is comprised of millions of […]

Is Your Shampoo Making You Break Out?

If you are prone to acne, we already know you’ve spent years (and YEARS) researching the deepest pre-cleanser, the gentlest cleanser, the most perfectly-exfoliating toner, the most lightweight moisturizer that won’t clog pores, the most pimple-busting spot treatment, and the sunscreen least likely to make you breakout. Yes, it’s exhausting, but you’ve done everything right and […]

5 Surprising Ingredients You Need in Your Skincare Routine

We like to talk a lot about ingredients you should never put on your skin (sulphates, parabens, phthalates, “fragrance,” benzones) but what about what you should put on your skin? Not only is it important to know what chemicals harm your skin & body, but it is equally important to know what ingredients nourish and feed the skin, promoting a healthy, happy barrier. […]

Ditch Activated Charcoal (& replace it with this)

Activated charcoal is making the rounds as a buzzy beauty & personal care trend item. Soaps, masks, toothpaste, even underwear are made with activated charcoal and promises of fixing your every ailment. But not so fast – are these claims science-based or just marketing magic? Let’s break it down. First of all, activated charcoal is found nowhere […]

How You Exfoliate Matters (Mechanical vs. Chemical)

Exfoliation is essential in any good skincare routine, as it helps to slough off dead skin cells that can clog up the pores and contribute to pesky breakouts and dull, flaky skin. While exfoliation should always be simple, it can seem a little complicated when you’re faced with all the endless options out there. That’s why […]

Why You Should Ignore the “Oil-Free” Hype

Anyone who has ever remotely struggled with breakouts and/or oily skin has likely searched the beauty aisles for strictly oil-free skincare products. Intuitively, it makes sense: if you want to manage excess oil, stop adding more oil, right? WRONG. Sorry to burst your bubble, but we’re about to take everything you thought you knew about […]

Does Your Skincare Do Double-Duty?

Money. It doesn’t grow on trees. And neither do skincare products. When you’re minding your wallet, spending $100s on skincare is probably the last thing you’re planning on doing, right? It’s just not realistic to have every latest “magical” potion on the market in your skincare arsenal. So what’s someone on a budget to do? […]