The Case for Cleanliness

Now more than ever, cleanliness should be front and center in our minds. Cleanliness is not only important for reducing the spread of germs, it’s also beneficial for managing breakouts and simply having peace of mind in your environment. Cleanliness-related matters come easier to some, so follow these tips to keep yourself, your face, and your […]

Skip Tan Now – Save Money (& Life!) Later

Tanning. In case you’re new here, we’re not big fans of it (see this). There are heaps -and heaps- of studies outlining the dangers of UV exposure, particularly that of artificial tanning beds, but here’s one more piece of compelling evidence.  Researchers in this study compiled data to estimate what would happen if the U.S., Canada, and Europe banned […]

How Sodium Affects Your Skin

What’s the best part of any movie-going experience? Everyone knows it’s the popcorn; that buttery, salty, delectable snack seems to transform a movie into a full-blown event. But your skin (and body) will pay the price. Why? Sodium. Most people in the US should get less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day. Compare the recommended intake with […]

How Humidity During Sleep Affects Skin

The word ‘humidity’ is usually reserved for daily weather forecasts and has little do with skincare. Today we’re going to explain how they’re more linked than you’d imagine at first glance. Researchers from AmorePacific and the Chung-Ang University College of Medicine conducted a study to determine how relative humidity (RH) during sleep affects our skin.  Turns out, […]

How Long Does It Take for Products to Work?

Patience is a virtue. We’ve heard that a thousand times, but in order to see results from a new skincare product, just how patient do we have to be?  To see results from most products, you will need to wait roughly 3 to 4 skin cycles. The length of a skin cycle varies depending on the person: a skin cycle […]

Kindness: An Attitude Toward Others, Self & Skin

As we kick off a new year and a new decade, we want to reflect on kindness. What does it mean to be truly kind? We generally think of kindness as simply being nice to others. However, true kindness is so much more than the “keep your hands to yourself” we were taught in preschool. Of […]

Skin Hangovers (& How to Avoid Them)

What does it mean for your skin to have a hangover? It means that your skin, as the largest organ in the body, is feeling the effects from the toxins in alcohol, not unlike how your stomach, head, and brain feel the next day.  Alcohol dehydrates the skin; this accentuates dryness, fine lines, and wrinkles.  Alcohol is inflammatory and causes the release […]

Trend Toward Multi-Use, Effective Skincare

Futurologists and economists all predict future trends. Trends imply a movement in a changing direction but does not stipulate the duration of that trend. We are currently in the CBD/natural/organic/sustainable trend, but we are also in the million dollar indie beauty trend where brands compete on speed to market, with little thought to efficacy of product. The […]

Pregnancy & Vitamin A: Separating Fact & Fables

Vitamin A: The miracle vitamin for skincare enthusiasts everywhere. But what about Vitamin A during pregnancy? For years it has been said that too much Vitamin A during pregnancy can lead to fetal abnormalities, so pregnant women should avoid it. But we’re here to set the record straight. Method Matters It’s important to understand the difference […]